Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Electric Zeppelin Racing League

 I was recently honored with a commission from Redmoon theater to design a kit for kids to assemble at their annual Skelebration Children's Halloween party.

What we came up with is the Electric Zeppelin Racing League.

The goal is to have (small) people compete in electric zeppelin races - electric powered vehicles that fly across the room suspended by a wire.

The inspiration for this project is the BSA's Space Derby and the Power Racing Series. We wanted higher speed, longer distances, so electric powered zeppelins were born!
Lights on
The constraints for this project were:
  • <$20 retail price for the kits
  • No soldering
  • Target age: 6-12 years old
  • Can be assembled in an hour

Included in the current kits are:
  • 3.7V Motor
  • propeller (color varies)
  • 2xAA battery holder with switch
  • One LED (color varies: red, blue, green, yellow, white)
  • Three plastic cable ties
  • Two paper clips
  • 6" x 6" Coroplast sheet
  • Three flier templates (templates vary: zeppelin, pony, dragon, car, butterfly, bird)
  • Instruction sheet
Classroom packs:
  • Ten kits (contents listed above)
  • One reel of 100 yards of 12lb test fishing line 
  • Teacher's resource sheet
We are currently beta-testing the kits with Girls Inc. and GeekBus.

Pre-order single kits and classroom packs (shipping at the end of July):

Single Kit ($14.99 - free shipping to the USA, $19.99 free shipping worldwide)
Shipping to:

Classroom 10-Pack ($119.99 - free shipping to the USA, $129.99 free shipping worldwide)
Shipping to:

Prototype #1